Infection of Mycovirus in Imported

Song Hee  Lee1   Seo-Young  Kwak1   Han Kyu Ko2   Hyun-Sook Lee*1   


Up to date several mycoviruses including Lentinula edodes Spherical Virus (LeSV) have been reported. As fungal virus was spreaded by infested hypae and spores it could be important to use virus-free spawns to eradicate the mushroom virus disease in the culture farm. We tested the imported spawns of Lentinula edodes by PCR whether LeSV was infested them or not. The primer set targeting the RdRp gene of LeSV was prepared based on partial sequence of the LeSV genome. The RT-PCR analysis showed that 87 among 88 imported spawns of L. edodes were infested by LeSV.


본 연구는 농림수산식품기획평가원 생명산업기술개발사업(No.311021-3)의 지원에 의해 이루어진 것이며 이에 감사드립니다.

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