Yeasts Associated with Fruits and Blossoms Collected from Hanbat Arboretum, Daejeon, Korea

Se-Hee Hyun1   Jin-Hong Min1   Seon-A Kim12   Jong-Soo Lee1   Ha-Kun* Kim1   


Yeasts are common inhabitants of the phyllosphere, but our knowledge of their diversity in various fruits and blossoms are limited. We collected different kinds of blossoms and unripened fruits from Hanbat arboretum, Daejeon, Korea at the year of 2013. Yeasts were isolated by plating of suspensions prepared for collected samples onto YPD medium containing antibiotics. BLAST searches were subsequently performed for the comparison of the partially determined sequences of D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA. As a result, we isolated 57 yeast strains of 31 species from 29 different kinds of blossoms and 6 kinds of fruits samples. We found huge differences in yeast flora depending on the sample collection season.


본 논문은 정부(환경부)의 재원으로 국립생물자원관의 지원을 받아 수행하였습니다(NIBR 2014-02-001).

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