All Issue
March 2018
- Vol. 46 No. 1
- First Report of Three Didymella Species Isolated from Freshwater Ecosystem in Korea
- Seven Unrecorded Fungal Species from Field Soils in Korea
- Two Unreported Species of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Leaves of Abies koreana in Korea
- First Report of Gongronella guangdongensis Isolated from Soil in Korea
- Analysis of Environment and Production of Tricholoma matsutake in Matsutake-infected Pine Trees
- Two Unrecorded Wood Decay Fungi (Polyporales) in Dadohaehaesang National Park, Korea
- Antioxidant Properties of Water Extracts from
Lentinula edodes Cultivars Grown on Oak Log
- Characterization of Fusarium udum Causing
Fusarium Wilt of Sunn Hemp in Korea
- Identification of Erysiphe izuensis on Rhododendron
yedoense f. poukhanense in Korea Based on Morphological and Molecular Characteristics
- Isolation of Wild Yeasts from Humus-rich Soil in City Park of Daejeon Metropolitan City, Korea, and
Characterization of the Unrecorded Wild Yeasts
- Antagonistic Assay of Bacillus spp. for Eco-friendly Biological Control of Melon Powdery