All Issue
September 2024
- Vol. 52 No. 3
- First Report of Hamigera ingelheimensis Isolated from Cheoltan Mountain in Korea
- New Records of Two Unreported Fungal Species: Cladophialophora floridana and Chloridium setosum Isolated from Soil in Korea
- Three New Records of Peziza Species (Pezizaceae, Ascomycota) from the Republic of Korea
- First Report of Gray Mold in Stringy Stonecrop Caused by Botrytis cinerea
- Two Unrecorded Penicillium Species from Rhizosphere Soil in Korea
- Two Previously Unrecorded Endophytic Fungal Species in the Order Pleosporales from Korea
- Morphological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Two Unreported Species of Entomogenous Fungi Blackwellomyces calendulinus and Neoaraneomyces araneicola in Korea
- Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Unreported Fusarium mangiferae Isolated from Mango in Korea