Title of the manuscript:
Please check below items as √ mark before submission of the manuscript |
1. General guideline | |
□ | Manuscript containing cover letter, one original manuscript (main text file and Figure/Table files), checklist, and statement of copyright transfer was uploaded through journal e-submission system. |
□ | Manuscript should be typed in MS Word format with a double space (a minimum 6 mm between lines), line and page numbers. |
□ | Article: Text consisted of cover page, title page, abstract, main text, references, Tables and Figures in separate pages. |
□ | Note: Section headings were not used in the main text (no INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION)), except ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. |
□ | Review: No prescribed layout. |
□ | Manuscripts should contain the title, author name(s), author affiliation(s) and the abstract in both Korean and English. |
2. Cover page | |
□ | Title, name of authors and affiliation were described both in English and Korean. |
□ | At the bottom of the cover page, the complete address of the corresponding author (the name, address, email, telephone) was described. |
3. Abstract and Keywords | |
□ | Word count was equal to or less than 250. |
□ | Less than five keywords were described in alphabetical order. |
□ | Abstract was described both in Korean and English. |
4. Main text | |
□ | The order of the subtitle was described according to the Instruction to Authors. |
□ | References in the main text were described according to the Instruction to Authors. |
5. References | |
□ | Every articles in REFERENCES were cited in the main text. |
□ | References were numbered according to numeric order. |
□ | Abbreviated title of the journals were those from Medline or Korea Med. |
□ | All references were written in English. |
□ | The reference style was followed by the Instruction to Authors. |
6. Tables and figures | |
□ | The titles and legends of tables and figures were written in English. |
□ | Photos were prepared in required format. |
□ | The numbers of tables and figures were described according to the Instruction to Authors. |