First Record of Mattirolomyces terfezioides and Tricholoma bakamatsutake in Korea

Kang-Hyeon* Ka1   Sung-Min Jeon1   Rhim Ryoo1   Jung-A Kang1   Ki-Sung Hong2   


ABSTRACT : Mattirolomyces terfezioides and Tricholoma bakamatsutake, commercially important mycorrhizal mushrooms, were found for the first time in the forests of Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus mongolica of the Korean peninsula, respectively. Morphological and molecular characteristics were discussed in the paper. We have also given the Korean name to the fungi here.


This study was supported by grants from Korea Forest Research Institute (FP 0801-2010-01 and FP 0801-2013- 01), Republic of Korea.

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