Identification and Characterization of Paraconiothyrium brasiliense from Garden Plant Pachysandra terminalis

Min Ah Choi1   Seung Jun Park1   Geum Ran Ahn1   Seong Hwan Kim1   


A fungal isolate DUCC5000 from a garden plant Pachysandra terminalis was identified as Paraconiothyrium brasiliense based on the results of morphological and molecular studies. The fungus formed brown to black conidiomata of (0.2-0.7)-2(-3.5) mm singly or as a group on PDA. Conidia measured 2-51.8-3m in size, hyaline, ellipsoid to short-cylindrical, and rounded at both ends. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA of the isolate shared 100% nucleotide sequence homology with those of known P. brasiliense isolates. Phylogenetic tree inferred from the ITS sequence analysis showed that the DUCC5000 isolate formed a clade with known isolates of P. brasiliense. The fungal mycelia grew better on oatmeal agar than on MEA and PDA. On PDA media under various pH conditions, fungal mycelial growth was observed at pH 9. Colony morphology of the fungus tended to alter depending on the kinds of nutrient media and pH condition. On chromagenic media, the fungus demonstrated its ability to produce extracellular enzymes including amyalse, avicelase, -glucosidase, protease, and xylanase. However, in pathogenicity testing, no disease symptoms were observed on the leaves of P. terminalis. This strain is the first report on P. terminalis in Korea.


본 논문은 환경부 재원으로 국립생물자원관의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구(NIBR No 2013-02-001) 결과의 일부로 연구비 지원에 감사 드립니다.

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