All Issue
September 2021
- Vol. 49 No. 3
- Nine New Records of Ascomycetes from Different Niches in Korea
- Detection of RNA Mycoviruses in Wild Strains of Lentinula edodes in Korea
- Cultural Characteristics and Fruiting-body Productivity of New Cultivar ‘Hwadam’ (Lentinula edodes) by Punching Treatments
on the Sawdust Medium
- Diversity and Mycotoxin Production of Aspergillus flavus in Stored Peanut
- Isolation and Identification of Two Unreported Fungi in Korea: Dothidea insculpta and Metarhizium rileyi
- Four Unreported Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Roots of Quercus spp. in Korea
- Isolation of Wild Yeasts from Freshwaters and Soils in Nonsan Stream and Sapgyoho in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea, and Microbiological Characteristics of the Unrecorded Wild Yeasts
- Three Unrecorded Penicillium Species from Marine Environments in South Korea
- Taxonomic Re-evaluation of Korean Gyromitra Species Based on Morphological and Phylogenetical Studies
- Unreported Endophytic Fungi Isolated from the Leaves of Evergreen Woody Plants in Korea: Muyocopron lithocarpi and Didymocyrtis cladoniicola
- Bremia lactucae causing Downy Mildew on Lactuca serriola in Korea
- Six New Recorded Species of Macrofungi on Gayasan National Park in Korea
- Galactomyces pseudocandidus (Dipodascaceae): An Unrecorded Yeast-like Fungus Isolated from the Digestive Tract of Procambarus clarkii
- First Report of Macrophomina phaseolina Causing Charcoal Rot in Bottle Gourd in Korea
- Development of New Strains of Wolfiporia cocos for Sclerotium Formation by 2-Way Cross-Breeding
- Damping-off of Fischer’s Ragwort Caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 (ⅢB)
- First Report of Apple Decline Caused by Botryosphaeria sinensis in Korea